Ticket #236 (new 新規開発) — at Version 1

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago


Reported by: miningbrownie Owned by: somebody
Priority: Milestone: EC-CUBE2.x.x
Component: 管理画面 Version: 2.0.1(正式版)
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by miningbrownie) (diff)







2項目:カテゴリ名(※ 必須)








未入力の場合、0となります。 存在しない場合はエラーとなります。


未入力かつ親カテゴリIDも未入力の場合、1になります。 未入力で親カテゴリがある場合、親カテゴリの階層+1になります。




diff -urN eccube-2.0.1.org/data/Smarty/templates/default/admin/products/subnavi.tpl eccube-2.0.1/data/Smarty/templates/default/admin/products/subnavi.tpl
--- eccube-2.0.1.org/data/Smarty/templates/default/admin/products/subnavi.tpl	2007-10-29 12:06:29.000000000 +0900
+++ eccube-2.0.1/data/Smarty/templates/default/admin/products/subnavi.tpl	2008-02-02 08:31:58.000000000 +0900
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
 	<tr><td><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/navi_line.gif" width="140" height="2" alt=""></td></tr>
 	<tr><td class=<!--{if $tpl_subno != 'category'}-->"navi"<!--{else}-->"navi-on"<!--{/if}-->><a href="./category.php" onMouseOver="naviStyleChange('category', '#a5a5a5')" <!--{if $tpl_subno != 'category'}-->onMouseOut="naviStyleChange('category', '#636469')"<!--{/if}--> id="category"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/icon.jpg" width="15" height="9" alt="" border="0"><span class="navi_text">カテゴリー管理</span></a></td></tr>
 	<tr><td><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/navi_line.gif" width="140" height="2" alt=""></td></tr>
-	<tr><td class=<!--{if $tpl_subno != 'product_rank'}-->"navi"<!--{else}-->"navi-on"<!--{/if}-->><a href="./product_rank.php" onMouseOver="naviStyleChange('product_rank', '#a5a5a5')" <!--{if $tpl_subno != 'product_rank'}-->onMouseOut="naviStyleChange('product_rank', '#636469')"<!--{/if}--> id="product_rank"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/icon.jpg" width="15" height="9" alt="" border="0"><span class="navi_text">商品並び替え</span></a></td></tr>
+	<tr><td class=<!--{if $tpl_subno != 'upload_csv_category'}-->"navi"<!--{else}-->"navi-on"<!--{/if}-->><a href="./upload_csv_category.php" onMouseOver="naviStyleChange('upload_csv_category', '#a5a5a5')" <!--{if $tpl_subno != 'upload_csv_category'}-->onMouseOut="naviStyleChange('upload_csv_category', '#636469')"<!--{/if}--> id="upload_csv_category"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/icon.jpg" width="15" height="9" alt="" border="0"><span class="navi_text">カテゴリーCSV</span></a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/navi_line.gif" width="140" height="2" alt=""></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class=<!--{if $tpl_subno != 'product_rank'}-->"navi"<!--{else}-->"navi-on"<!--{/if}-->><a href="./product_rank.php" onMouseOver="naviStyleChange('product_rank', '#a5a5a5')" <!--{if $tpl_subno != 'product_rank'}-->onMouseOut="naviStyleChange('product_rank', '#636469')"<!--{/if}--> id="product_rank"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/icon.jpg" width="15" height="9" alt="" border="0"><span class="navi_text">商品並び替え</span></a></td></tr>
 	<tr><td><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/navi_line.gif" width="140" height="2" alt=""></td></tr>
 	<tr><td class=<!--{if $tpl_subno != 'review'}-->"navi"<!--{else}-->"navi-on"<!--{/if}-->><a href="./review.php" onMouseOver="naviStyleChange('review', '#a5a5a5')" <!--{if $tpl_subno != 'review'}-->onMouseOut="naviStyleChange('review', '#636469')"<!--{/if}--> id="review"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/icon.jpg" width="15" height="9" alt="" border="0"><span class="navi_text">レビュー管理</span></a></td></tr>
 	<tr><td><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/navi_line.gif" width="140" height="2" alt=""></td></tr>
diff -urN eccube-2.0.1.org/data/Smarty/templates/default/admin/products/upload_csv_category.tpl eccube-2.0.1/data/Smarty/templates/default/admin/products/upload_csv_category.tpl
--- eccube-2.0.1.org/data/Smarty/templates/default/admin/products/upload_csv_category.tpl	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ eccube-2.0.1/data/Smarty/templates/default/admin/products/upload_csv_category.tpl	2008-02-02 08:31:58.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2007 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="<!--{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF|escape}-->" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="winSubmit('','form1', 'upload', 500, 400)">
+<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="csv_upload">
+<table width="878" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary=" ">
+	<tr valign="top">
+		<td background="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/navi_bg.gif" height="402">
+			<!-- サブナビ -->
+			<!--{include file=$tpl_subnavi}-->
+		</td>
+		<td class="mainbg">
+		<table width="737" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary=" ">
+			<!--メインエリア-->
+			<tr>
+				<td align="center">
+				<table width="706" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary=" ">
+					<tr><td height="14"></td></tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td colspan="3"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/main_top.jpg" width="706" height="14" alt=""></td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td background="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/main_left.jpg"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/common/_.gif" width="14" height="1" alt=""></td>
+						<td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+						<table width="678" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary=" ">
+							<tr>
+								<td colspan="3"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/contents_title_top.gif" width="678" height="7" alt=""></td>
+							</tr>
+							<tr>
+								<td background="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/contents_title_left_bg.gif"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/contents_title_left.gif" width="22" height="12" alt=""></td>
+								<td bgcolor="#636469" width="638" class="fs14n"><span class="white"><!--コンテンツタイトル-->カテゴリ登録CSV</span></td>
+								<td background="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/contents_title_right_bg.gif"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/common/_.gif" width="18" height="1" alt=""></td>
+							</tr>
+							<tr>
+								<td colspan="3"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/contents_title_bottom.gif" width="678" height="7" alt=""></td>
+							</tr>
+							<tr>
+								<td colspan="3"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/main_bar.jpg" width="678" height="10" alt=""></td>
+							</tr>
+						</table>
+						<!--{if $tpl_errtitle != ""}-->
+						<table width="678" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" summary=" " bgcolor="#cccccc">
+						<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff">
+							<span class="red12"><!--{$tpl_errtitle}--><br><br></span>
+							<!--{foreach key=key item=item from=$arrCSVErr}-->
+							<span class="red12"><!--{$item}-->
+							<!--{if $key != 'blank'}-->
+							[値:<!--{$arrParam[$key]}-->]
+							<!--{/if}-->
+							<br></span>
+							<!--{/foreach}-->
+						</td></tr>
+						</table>
+						<!--{/if}-->
+						<!--▼登録テーブルここから-->
+						<table width="678" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" summary=" " bgcolor="#cccccc">
+							<tr class="fs12n">
+								<td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" width="110">CSVファイル</td>
+								<td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="607">
+								<span class="red12"><!--{$arrErr.csv_file}--></span>
+								<input type="file" name="csv_file" size="60" class="box60" /><span class="red10"> (1行目タイトル行)</span></td>
+							</tr>
+							<tr class="fs12n">
+								<td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" width="110">登録情報</td>
+								<td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="607">
+								<!--{foreach name=title key=key item=item from=$arrTitle}-->
+								<!--{$smarty.foreach.title.iteration}-->項目:<!--{$item}--><br>
+								<!--{/foreach}-->
+								</td>
+							</tr>
+						</table>
+						<!--▲登録テーブルここまで-->
+						<table width="678" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary=" ">
+							<tr>
+								<td bgcolor="#cccccc"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/common/_.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td>
+								<td><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/tbl_top.gif" width="676" height="7" alt=""></td>
+								<td bgcolor="#cccccc"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/common/_.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td>
+							</tr>
+							<tr>
+								<td bgcolor="#cccccc"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/common/_.gif" width="1" height="10" alt=""></td>
+								<td bgcolor="#e9e7de" align="center">
+								<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary=" ">
+									<tr>
+									<td>
+										<input type="image" onMouseover="chgImgImageSubmit('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/btn_regist_on.jpg',this)" onMouseout="chgImgImageSubmit('<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/btn_regist.jpg',this)" src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/btn_regist.jpg" width="123" height="24" alt="この内容で登録する" border="0" name="subm" >
+									</td>
+									</tr>
+								</table>
+								</td>
+								<td bgcolor="#cccccc"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/common/_.gif" width="1" height="10" alt=""></td>
+							</tr>
+							<tr>
+								<td colspan="3"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/tbl_bottom.gif" width="678" height="8" alt=""></td>
+							</tr>
+						</table>										
+						</td>
+						<td background="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/main_right.jpg"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/common/_.gif" width="14" height="1" alt=""></td>
+					</tr>					
+					<tr>
+						<td colspan="3"><img src="<!--{$TPL_DIR}-->img/contents/main_bottom.jpg" width="706" height="14" alt=""></td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr><td height="30"></td></tr>
+				</table>
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			<!--メインエリア-->
+		</table>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
\ ファイル末尾に改行がありません
diff -urN eccube-2.0.1.org/data/class_extends/page_extends/admin/products/LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSVCategory_Ex.php eccube-2.0.1/data/class_extends/page_extends/admin/products/LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSVCategory_Ex.php
--- eccube-2.0.1.org/data/class_extends/page_extends/admin/products/LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSVCategory_Ex.php	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ eccube-2.0.1/data/class_extends/page_extends/admin/products/LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSVCategory_Ex.php	2008-02-02 08:31:58.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2007 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+// {{{ requires
+require_once(CLASS_PATH . "pages/admin/products/LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSV.php");
+ * CSV アップロード のページクラス(拡張)
+ *
+ * LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSV をカスタマイズする場合はこのクラスを編集する.
+ *
+ * @package Page
+ * @author LOCKON CO.,LTD.
+ * @version $$Id: LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSV_Ex.php 16741 2007-11-08 00:43:24Z adachi $$
+ */
+class LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSVCategory_Ex extends LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSV {
+    // }}}
+    // {{{ functions
+    /**
+     * Page を初期化する.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function init() {
+        parent::init();
+        $this->tpl_mainpage = 'products/upload_csv_category.tpl';
+        $this->tpl_subnavi = 'products/subnavi.tpl';
+        $this->tpl_mainno = 'products';
+        $this->tpl_subno = 'upload_csv_category';
+    }
+    /**
+     * Page のプロセス.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function process() {
+        $conn = new SC_DBConn();
+        $objView = new SC_AdminView();
+        $objSess = new SC_Session();
+        $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
+        // 認証可否の判定
+        SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsSuccess($objSess);
+        // ファイル管理クラス
+        $this->objUpFile = new SC_UploadFile(IMAGE_TEMP_DIR, IMAGE_SAVE_DIR);
+        // ファイル情報の初期化
+        $this->lfInitFile();
+        // パラメータ管理クラス
+        $this->objFormParam = new SC_FormParam();
+        // パラメータ情報の初期化
+        $this->lfInitParam();
+        $colmax = $this->objFormParam->getCount();
+        $this->objFormParam->setHtmlDispNameArray();
+        $this->arrTitle = $this->objFormParam->getHtmlDispNameArray();
+        if (!isset($_POST['mode'])) $_POST['mode'] = "";
+        switch($_POST['mode']) {
+            case 'csv_upload':
+                $err = false;
+                // エラーチェック
+                $arrErr['csv_file'] = $this->objUpFile->makeTempFile('csv_file');
+                if($arrErr['css_file'] == "") {
+                    $arrErr = $this->objUpFile->checkEXISTS();
+                }
+                // 実行時間を制限しない
+                set_time_limit(0);
+                // 出力をバッファリングしない(==日本語自動変換もしない)
+                ob_end_clean();
+                // IEのために256バイト空文字出力
+                echo str_pad('',256);
+                if(empty($arrErr['csv_file'])) {
+                    // 一時ファイル名の取得
+                    $filepath = $this->objUpFile->getTempFilePath('csv_file');
+                    // エンコード
+                    $enc_filepath = SC_Utils_Ex::sfEncodeFile($filepath,
+                    CHAR_CODE, CSV_TEMP_DIR);
+                    // レコード数を得る
+                    $rec_count = $this->lfCSVRecordCount($enc_filepath);
+                    $fp = fopen($enc_filepath, "r");
+                    $line = 0;      // 行数
+                    $regist = 0;    // 登録数
+                    $objQuery = new SC_Query();
+                    $objQuery->begin();
+                    echo "■ CSV登録進捗状況 <br/><br/>\n";
+                    while(!feof($fp) && !$err) {
+                        $arrCSV = fgetcsv($fp, CSV_LINE_MAX);
+                        // 行カウント
+                        $line++;
+                        if($line <= 1) {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        // 項目数カウント
+                        $max = count($arrCSV);
+                        // 項目数が1以下の場合は無視する
+                        if($max <= 1) {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        // 項目数チェック
+                        if($max != $colmax) {
+                            echo "※ 項目数が" . $max . "個検出されました。項目数は" . $colmax . "個になります。</br>\n";
+                            $err = true;
+                        } else {
+                            // シーケンス配列を格納する。
+                            $this->objFormParam->setParam($arrCSV, true);
+                            $arrRet = $this->objFormParam->getHashArray();
+                            $this->objFormParam->setParam($arrRet);
+                            // 入力値の変換
+                            $this->objFormParam->convParam();
+                            // <br>なしでエラー取得する。
+                            $arrCSVErr = $this->lfCheckError();
+                        }
+                        // 入力エラーチェック
+                        if(count($arrCSVErr) > 0) {
+                            echo "<font color=\"red\">■" . $line . "行目でエラーが発生しました。</font></br>\n";
+                            foreach($arrCSVErr as $val) {
+                                $this->printError($val);
+                            }
+                            $err = true;
+                        }
+                        if(!$err) {
+                            $this->lfRegistProduct($objQuery, $line);
+                            $regist++;
+                        }
+                        $arrParam = $this->objFormParam->getHashArray();
+                        if(!$err) echo $line." / ".$rec_count. "行目 (カテゴリID:".$arrParam['category_id']." / カテゴリ名:".$arrParam['category_name'].")\n<br />";
+                        flush();
+                    }
+                    fclose($fp);
+                    if(!$err) {
+                        $objQuery->commit();
+                        echo "■" . $regist . "件のレコードを登録しました。";
+                        // カテゴリ件数カウント関数の実行
+                        $objDb->sfCategory_Count($objQuery);
+                    } else {
+                        $objQuery->rollback();
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    foreach($arrErr as $val) {
+                        $this->printError($val);
+                    }
+                }
+                echo "<br/><a href=\"javascript:window.close()\">→閉じる</a>";
+                flush();
+                exit;
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+        $objView->assignobj($this);
+        $objView->display(MAIN_FRAME);
+    }
+    /**
+     * デストラクタ.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function destroy() {
+        parent::destroy();
+    }
+    /**
+     * ファイル情報の初期化を行う.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function lfInitFile() {
+        $this->objUpFile->addFile("CSVファイル", 'csv_file', array('csv'),
+        CSV_SIZE, true, 0, 0, false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 入力情報の初期化を行う.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function lfInitParam() {
+        $this->objFormParam->addParam("カテゴリID","category_id",INT_LEN,"n",array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK","NUM_CHECK"));
+        $this->objFormParam->addParam("カテゴリ名","category_name",STEXT_LEN,"KVa",array("EXIST_CHECK","SPTAB_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
+        $this->objFormParam->addParam("親カテゴリID","parent_category_id",INT_LEN,"n",array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK","NUM_CHECK"));
+        $this->objFormParam->addParam("階層","level",INT_LEN,"n",array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK","NUM_CHECK"));
+        $this->objFormParam->addParam("表示順","rank",INT_LEN,"n",array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK","NUM_CHECK"));
+        //     $this->objFormParam->addParam("削除フラグ","del_flg",INT_LEN,"n",array());
+    }
+    /**
+     * カテゴリ登録を行う.
+     *
+     * @param SC_Query $objQuery SC_Queryインスタンス
+     * @param string|integer $line 処理中の行数
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function lfRegistProduct($objQuery, $line = "") {
+        $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
+        $arrRet = $this->objFormParam->getHashArray();
+        foreach($arrRet as $key => $val) {
+            switch($key) {
+                case 'parent_category_id':
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    if(!ereg("^dummy", $key)) {
+                        $sqlval[$key] = $val;
+                    }
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        // 登録時間を生成(DBのnow()だとcommitした際、すべて同一の時間になってしまう)
+        $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+        // 秒以下を生成
+        if($line != "") {
+            $microtime = sprintf("%06d", $line);
+            $time .= ".$microtime";
+        }
+        $sqlval['update_date'] = $time;
+        $sqlval['creator_id'] = $_SESSION['member_id'];
+        //カテゴリIDの設定。
+        $update = false;
+        if($arrRet['category_id'] != ""){
+            $sqlval['category_id'] = $arrRet['category_id'];
+            $update = true;
+        }else{
+            $category_id = $objQuery->max("dtb_category","category_id")+1;
+            $sqlval['category_id'] = $category_id;
+            $count = $objQuery->count("dtb_category", "category_id = ?", array($arrRet['category_id']));
+            if($count == 0){
+                $update = false;
+            }else{
+                $update = true;
+            }
+        }
+        //親カテゴリIDの設定
+        if($arrRet['parent_category_id'] == ""){
+            $sqlval['parent_category_id'] = 0;
+            $sqlval['level'] = 1;
+        }else{
+            $sqlval['parent_category_id'] = $arrRet['parent_category_id'];
+            $parent_level = $objQuery->get('dtb_category','level',"category_id = ?",array($sqlval['parent_category_id']));
+            $sqlval['level'] = $parent_level+1;
+        }
+        if($update) {
+            // UPDATEの実行
+            echo "UPDATEの実行";
+            $where = "category_id = ?";
+            $objQuery->update("dtb_category", $sqlval, $where, array($sqlval['category_id']));
+        } else {
+            // 新規登録
+            $sqlval['create_date'] = $time;
+            if($arrRet['rank'] == ""){
+                // カテゴリ内で最大のランクを割り当てる
+                $sqlval['rank'] = $objQuery->max("dtb_category", "rank", "parent_category_id = ?", array($arrRet['parent_category_id'])) + 1;
+            }
+            // INSERTの実行
+            $objQuery->insert("dtb_category", $sqlval);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 入力チェックを行う.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function lfCheckError() {
+        // 入力データを渡す。
+        $arrRet =  $this->objFormParam->getHashArray();
+        $objErr = new SC_CheckError($arrRet);
+        $objErr->arrErr = $this->objFormParam->checkError(false);
+        if(count($objErr->arrErr) == 0) {
+            $objQuery = new SC_Query();
+            // 存在する親カテゴリIDかチェック
+            if($arrRet['parent_category_id'] != 0){
+                $count = $objQuery->count("dtb_category", "category_id = ?", array($arrRet['parent_category_id']));
+                if($count == 0) {
+                    $objErr->arrErr['parent_category_id'] = "※ 指定の親カテゴリID(".$arrRet['parent_category_id'].")は、存在しません。";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $objErr->arrErr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * CSVのカウント数を得る.
+     *
+     * @param string $file_name ファイルパス
+     * @return integer CSV のカウント数
+     */
+    function lfCSVRecordCount($file_name) {
+        $count = 0;
+        $fp = fopen($file_name, "r");
+        while(!feof($fp)) {
+            $arrCSV = fgetcsv($fp, CSV_LINE_MAX);
+            $count++;
+        }
+        return $count-1;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 引数の文字列をエラー出力する.
+     *
+     * 引数 $val の内容は, htmlspecialchars() によってサニタイズされ
+     *
+     * @param string $val 出力する文字列
+     * @return void
+     */
+    function printError($val) {
+        echo "<font color=\"red\">"
+        . htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES)
+        . "</font></br>\n";
+    }
diff -urN eccube-2.0.1.org/html/admin/products/upload_csv_category.php eccube-2.0.1/html/admin/products/upload_csv_category.php
--- eccube-2.0.1.org/html/admin/products/upload_csv_category.php	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ eccube-2.0.1/html/admin/products/upload_csv_category.php	2008-02-01 11:54:42.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * This file is part of EC-CUBE
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2000-2007 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * http://www.lockon.co.jp/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+// {{{ requires
+require_once(CLASS_EX_PATH . "page_extends/admin/products/LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSVCategory_Ex.php");
+// }}}
+// {{{ generate page
+$objPage = new LC_Page_Admin_Products_UploadCSVCategory_Ex();
+register_shutdown_function(array($objPage, "destroy"));


Change History

Changed 16 years ago by miningbrownie

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by miningbrownie

  • Description modified (diff)
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