tpl_mainpage = 'products/index.tpl'; $this->tpl_mainno = 'products'; $this->tpl_subnavi = 'products/subnavi.tpl'; $this->tpl_subno = 'index'; $this->tpl_pager = 'pager.tpl'; $this->tpl_subtitle = '商品マスタ'; $masterData = new SC_DB_MasterData_Ex(); $this->arrPageMax = $masterData->getMasterData("mtb_page_max"); $this->arrDISP = $masterData->getMasterData("mtb_disp"); $this->arrSTATUS = $masterData->getMasterData("mtb_status"); $this->arrPRODUCTSTATUS_COLOR = $masterData->getMasterData("mtb_product_status_color"); } /** * Page のプロセス. * * @return void */ function process() { $this->action(); $this->sendResponse(); } /** * Page のアクション. * * @return void */ function action() { $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex(); $objDate = new SC_Date_Ex(); $objFormParam = new SC_FormParam_Ex(); $objProduct = new SC_Product_Ex(); $objQuery =& SC_Query::getSingletonInstance(); // 登録・更新検索開始年 $objDate->setStartYear(RELEASE_YEAR); $objDate->setEndYear(DATE("Y")); $this->arrStartYear = $objDate->getYear(); $this->arrStartMonth = $objDate->getMonth(); $this->arrStartDay = $objDate->getDay(); // 登録・更新検索終了年 $objDate->setStartYear(RELEASE_YEAR); $objDate->setEndYear(DATE("Y")); $this->arrEndYear = $objDate->getYear(); $this->arrEndMonth = $objDate->getMonth(); $this->arrEndDay = $objDate->getDay(); // パラメータ情報の初期化 $this->lfInitParam($objFormParam); $objFormParam->setParam($_POST); $this->arrHidden = $objFormParam->getSearchArray(); $this->arrForm = $objFormParam->getFormParamList(); switch ($this->getMode()) { case 'delete': // 商品、子テーブル(商品規格)、会員お気に入り商品の削除 $this->doDelete("product_id = ?", array($objFormParam->getValue('product_id'))); // 件数カウントバッチ実行 $objDb->sfCountCategory($objQuery); $objDb->sfCountMaker($objQuery); // 削除後に検索結果を表示するため breakしない // 検索パラメータ生成後に処理実行するため breakしない case 'csv': case 'delete_all': case 'search': $objFormParam->convParam(); $objFormParam->trimParam(); $this->arrErr = $this->lfCheckError($objFormParam); $arrParam = $objFormParam->getHashArray(); if (count($this->arrErr) == 0) { $where = "del_flg = 0"; foreach ($arrParam as $key => $val) { if($val == "") { continue; } $this->buildQuery($key, $where, $arrval, $objFormParam, $objDb); } $order = "update_date DESC"; /* ----------------------------------------------- * 処理を実行 * ----------------------------------------------- */ switch($this->getMode()) { // CSVを送信する。 case 'csv': require_once(CLASS_EX_REALDIR . "helper_extends/SC_Helper_CSV_Ex.php"); $objCSV = new SC_Helper_CSV_Ex(); // CSVを送信する。正常終了の場合、終了。 $objCSV->sfDownloadCsv(1, $where, $arrval, $order, true); exit; // 全件削除(ADMIN_MODE) case 'delete_all': $this->doDelete($where, $arrval); break; // 検索実行 default: // 行数の取得 $this->tpl_linemax = $this->getNumberOfLines($where, $arrval); // ページ送りの処理 $page_max = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetSearchPageMax($objFormParam->getValue('search_page_max')); // ページ送りの取得 $objNavi = new SC_PageNavi_Ex($this->arrHidden['search_pageno'], $this->tpl_linemax, $page_max, "fnNaviSearchPage", NAVI_PMAX); $this->arrPagenavi = $objNavi->arrPagenavi; // 検索結果の取得 $this->arrProducts = $this->findProducts($where, $arrval, $page_max, $objNavi->start_row, $order, $objProduct); // 各商品ごとのカテゴリIDを取得 if (count($this->arrProducts) > 0) { foreach ($this->arrProducts as $key => $val) { $this->arrProducts[$key]["categories"] = $objDb->sfGetCategoryId($val["product_id"], 0, true); $objDb->g_category_on = false; } } } } break; } // カテゴリの読込 list($this->arrCatKey, $this->arrCatVal) = $objDb->sfGetLevelCatList(false); $this->arrCatList = $this->lfGetIDName($this->arrCatKey, $this->arrCatVal); } /** * デストラクタ. * * @return void */ function destroy() { parent::destroy(); } /** * パラメータ情報の初期化を行う. * * @param SC_FormParam $objFormParam SC_FormParam インスタンス * @return void */ function lfInitParam(&$objFormParam) { // POSTされる値 $objFormParam->addParam("商品ID", "product_id", INT_LEN, "n", array("NUM_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("カテゴリID", "category_id", STEXT_LEN, "n", array("SPTAB_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("ページ送り番号","search_pageno", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("表示件数", "search_page_max", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK")); // 検索条件 $objFormParam->addParam("商品ID", "search_product_id", INT_LEN, "n", array("NUM_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("商品コード", "search_product_code", STEXT_LEN, "KVna", array("SPTAB_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("商品名", "search_name", STEXT_LEN, "KVa", array("SPTAB_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("カテゴリ", "search_category_id", STEXT_LEN, "n", array("SPTAB_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("種別", "search_status", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); // 登録・更新日 $objFormParam->addParam("開始年", "search_startyear", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("開始月", "search_startmonth", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("開始日", "search_startday", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("終了年", "search_endyear", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("終了月", "search_endmonth", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("終了日", "search_endday", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK")); $objFormParam->addParam("ステータス", "search_product_flag", INT_LEN, "n", array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); } /** * 入力内容のチェックを行う. * * @param SC_FormParam $objFormParam SC_FormParam インスタンス * @return void */ function lfCheckError(&$objFormParam) { $objErr = new SC_CheckError_Ex($objFormParam->getHashArray()); $objErr->arrErr = $objFormParam->checkError(); $objErr->doFunc(array("開始日", "終了日", "search_startyear", "search_startmonth", "search_startday", "search_endyear", "search_endmonth", "search_endday"), array("CHECK_SET_TERM")); return $objErr->arrErr; } // カテゴリIDをキー、カテゴリ名を値にする配列を返す。 function lfGetIDName($arrCatKey, $arrCatVal) { $max = count($arrCatKey); for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < $max; $cnt++ ) { $key = isset($arrCatKey[$cnt]) ? $arrCatKey[$cnt] : ""; $val = isset($arrCatVal[$cnt]) ? $arrCatVal[$cnt] : ""; $arrRet[$key] = $val; } return $arrRet; } /** * 商品、子テーブル(商品規格)、お気に入り商品の削除 * * @param string $where 削除対象の WHERE 句 * @param array $arrParam 削除対象の値 * @return void */ function doDelete($where, $arrParam = array()) { $objQuery =& SC_Query::getSingletonInstance(); $objQuery->update("dtb_products", array('del_flg' => 1), $where, $arrParam); $objQuery->update("dtb_products_class", array('del_flg' => 1), $where, $arrParam); $objQuery->delete("dtb_customer_favorite_products", $where, $arrParam); } /** * クエリを構築する. * * 検索条件のキーに応じた WHERE 句と, クエリパラメータを構築する. * クエリパラメータは, SC_FormParam の入力値から取得する. * * 構築内容は, 引数の $where 及び $arrValues にそれぞれ追加される. * * @param string $key 検索条件のキー * @param string $where 構築する WHERE 句 * @param array $arrValues 構築するクエリパラメータ * @param SC_FormParam $objFormParam SC_FormParam インスタンス * @param SC_FormParam $objDb SC_Helper_DB_Ex インスタンス * @return void */ function buildQuery($key, &$where, &$arrValues, &$objFormParam, &$objDb) { $dbFactory = SC_DB_DBFactory_Ex::getInstance(); switch ($key) { // 商品ID case 'search_product_id': $where .= " AND product_id = ?"; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%d', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; // 商品コード case 'search_product_code': $where .= " AND product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_products_class WHERE product_code ILIKE ? GROUP BY product_id)"; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%%%s%%', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; // 商品名 case 'search_name': $where .= " AND name LIKE ?"; $arrValues[] = sprintf('%%%s%%', $objFormParam->getValue($key)); break; // カテゴリ case 'search_category_id': list($tmp_where, $tmp_Values) = $objDb->sfGetCatWhere($objFormParam->getValue($key)); if($tmp_where != "") { $where.= " AND product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_product_categories WHERE " . $tmp_where . ")"; $arrValues = array_merge((array)$arrValues, (array)$tmp_Values); } break; // 種別 case 'search_status': $tmp_where = ""; foreach($objFormParam->getValue($key) as $element) { if($element != "") { if(SC_Utils_Ex::isBlank($tmp_where)) { $tmp_where .= " AND (status = ?"; } else { $tmp_where .= " OR status = ?"; } $arrValues[] = $element; } } if(!SC_Utils_Ex::isBlank($tmp_where)) { $tmp_where .= ")"; $where .= " $tmp_where "; } break; // 登録・更新日(開始) case 'search_startyear': $date = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetTimestamp($objFormParam->getValue('search_startyear'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_startmonth'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_startday')); $where.= " AND update_date >= ?"; $arrValues[] = $date; break; // 登録・更新日(終了) case 'search_endyear': $date = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetTimestamp($objFormParam->getValue('search_endyear'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_endmonth'), $objFormParam->getValue('search_endday'), true); $where.= " AND update_date <= ?"; $arrValues[] = $date; break; //ステータス case 'search_product_flag': if(count($objFormParam->getValue($key)) > 0) { $where .= " AND product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_product_status WHERE product_status_id IN ("; foreach($objFormParam->getValue($key) as $param) { $where .= "?,"; $arrValues[] = $param; } $where = preg_replace("/,$/", "))", $where); } break; } } /** * 検索結果の行数を取得する. * * @param string $where 検索条件の WHERE 句 * @param array $arrValues 検索条件のパラメータ * @return integer 検索結果の行数 */ function getNumberOfLines($where, $arrValues) { $objQuery =& SC_Query::getSingletonInstance(); return $objQuery->count('dtb_products', $where, $arrValues); } /** * 商品を検索する. * * @param string $where 検索条件の WHERE 句 * @param array $arrValues 検索条件のパラメータ * @param integer $limit 表示件数 * @param integer $offset 開始件数 * @param string $order 検索結果の並び順 * @param SC_Product $objProduct SC_Product インスタンス * @return array 商品の検索結果 */ function findProducts($where, $arrValues, $limit, $offset, $order, &$objProduct) { $objQuery =& SC_Query::getSingletonInstance(); // 読み込む列とテーブルの指定 $col = "product_id, name, main_list_image, status, product_code_min, product_code_max, price02_min, price02_max, stock_min, stock_max, stock_unlimited_min, stock_unlimited_max, update_date"; $from = $objProduct->alldtlSQL(); $objQuery->setLimitOffset($limit, $offset); $objQuery->setOrder($order); return $objQuery->select($col, $from, $where, $arrValues); } } ?>