arrSql = $array; } } //-- SQL分生成 public function getSql($mode = '') { $this->sql = $this->select .' '. $this->where .' '. $this->group .' '; if ($mode == 2) { $this->sql .= $this->order; } return $this->sql; } // 検索用 public function addSearchStr($val) { $return = '%' .$val. '%'; return $return; } //-- 範囲検索(○ ~ ○ まで) public function selectRange($from, $to, $column) { // ある単位のみ検索($from = $to) if ($from == $to) { $this->setWhere($column .' = ?'); $return = array($from); // ~$toまで検索 } elseif (strlen($from) == 0 && strlen($to) > 0) { $this->setWhere($column .' <= ? '); $return = array($to); // ~$from以上を検索 } elseif (strlen($from) > 0 && strlen($to) == 0) { $this->setWhere($column .' >= ? '); $return = array($from); // $from~$toの検索 } else { $this->setWhere($column .' BETWEEN ? AND ?'); $return = array($from, $to); } return $return; } //-- 期間検索(○年○月○日か~○年○月○日まで) public function selectTermRange($from_year, $from_month, $from_day, $to_year, $to_month, $to_day, $column) { $return = array(); // 開始期間の構築 $date1 = $from_year . '/' . $from_month . '/' . $from_day; // 終了期間の構築 // @see // FIXME とりあえずintvalで対策... $date2 = mktime (0, 0, 0, intval($to_month), intval($to_day), intval($to_year)); $date2 = $date2 + 86400; // SQL文のdate関数に与えるフォーマットは、yyyy/mm/ddで指定する。 $date2 = date('Y/m/d', $date2); // 開始期間だけ指定の場合 if (($from_year != '') && ($from_month != '') && ($from_day != '') && ($to_year == '') && ($to_month == '') && ($to_day == '')) { $this->setWhere($column .' >= ?'); $return[] = $date1; } // 開始~終了 if (($from_year != '') && ($from_month != '') && ($from_day != '') && ($to_year != '') && ($to_month != '') && ($to_day != '') ) { $this->setWhere($column . ' >= ? AND ' . $column . ' < date(?)'); $return[] = $date1; $return[] = $date2; } // 終了期間だけ指定の場合 if (($from_year == '') && ($from_month == '') && ($from_day == '') && ($to_year != '') && ($to_month != '') && ($to_day != '')) { $this->setWhere($column . ' < date(?)'); $return[] = $date2; } return $return; } // checkboxなどで同一カラム内で単一、もしくは複数選択肢が有る場合 例: AND ( sex = xxx OR sex = xxx OR sex = xxx) AND ... public function setItemTerm($arr, $ItemStr) { $return = array(); foreach ($arr as $data) { if (count($arr) > 1) { if (!is_null($data)) { $item .= $ItemStr . ' = ? OR '; } } else { if (!is_null($data)) { $item = $ItemStr . ' = ?'; } } $return[] = $data; } if (count($arr) > 1) { // FIXME 多分この rtrim の使い方は不適切(偶然動作しそうだが) $item = '(' . rtrim($item, ' OR ') . ')'; } $this->setWhere($item); return $return; } // NULL値が必要な場合 public function setItemTermWithNull($arr, $ItemStr) { $return = array(); $item = " {$ItemStr} IS NULL "; if ($arr) { foreach ($arr as $data) { if ($data != '不明') { $item .= " OR {$ItemStr} = ?"; $return[] = $data; } } } $item = "({$item}) "; $this->setWhere($item); return $return; } // NULLもしくは''で検索する場合 public function setItemTermWithNullAndSpace($arr, $ItemStr) { $return = array(); $count = count($arr); $item = " {$ItemStr} IS NULL OR {$ItemStr} = '' "; $i = 1; if ($arr) { foreach ($arr as $data) { if ($i == $count) break; $item .= " OR {$ItemStr} = ?"; $return[] = $data; $i ++; } } $item = "({$item}) "; $this->setWhere($item); return $return; } /* 複数のカラムでORで優先検索する場合 例: AND ( item_flag1 = xxx OR item_flag2 = xxx OR item_flag3 = xxx) AND ... 配列の構造例  if ($_POST['show_site1']) $arrShowsite_1 = array('column' => 'show_site1', 'value' => $_POST['show_site1']); */ public function setWhereByOR($arrWhere) { $count = count($arrWhere); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (isset($arrWhere[$i]['value'])) { $statement .= $arrWhere[$i]['column'] .' = ' . SC_Utils_Ex::sfQuoteSmart($arrWhere[$i]['value']) .' OR '; } } $statement = '(' . rtrim($statement, ' OR ') . ')'; if ($this->where) { $this->where .= ' AND ' . $statement; } else { $this->where = 'WHERE ' . $statement; } } /** * WHERE を取得する。 * * ヘンテコセッター互換仕様。 * @param $with_where boolean 必要に応じて WHERE を前置するか * @return string WHERE */ public function getWhere($with_where = false) { $where = $this->where; if (!$with_where) { $where = preg_replace('/^\s*WHERE\s+/', '', $where); } return $where; } public function setWhere($where) { if ($where != '') { if ($this->where) { $this->where .= ' AND ' . $where; } else { $this->where = 'WHERE ' . $where; } } } public function setOrder($order) { $this->order = 'ORDER BY ' . $order; } public function setGroup($group) { $this->group = 'GROUP BY ' . $group; } public function clearSql() { $this->select = ''; $this->where = ''; $this->group = ''; $this->order = ''; } public function setSelect($sql) { $this->select = $sql; } }