tpl_mainpage = 'products/product_class.tpl'; $this->tpl_subnavi = 'products/subnavi.tpl'; $this->tpl_mainno = 'products'; $this->tpl_subno = 'product'; $this->tpl_subtitle = '商品登録'; global $arrSRANK; $this->arrSRANK = $arrSRANK; global $arrDISP; $this->arrDISP = $arrDISP; global $arrCLASS; $this->arrCLASS = $arrCLASS; global $arrSTATUS; $this->arrSTATUS = $arrSTATUS; $this->tpl_onload = ""; } } $objPage = new LC_Page(); $objView = new SC_AdminView(); // 認証可否の判定 $objSess = new SC_Session(); sfIsSuccess($objSess); // 検索パラメータの引き継ぎ foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (ereg("^search_", $key)) { $objPage->arrSearchHidden[$key] = $val; } } $objPage->tpl_product_id = $_POST['product_id']; $objPage->tpl_pageno = $_POST['pageno']; switch($_POST['mode']) { // 規格削除要求 case 'delete': $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->setLimitOffset(1); $where = "product_id = ? AND NOT (classcategory_id1 = 0 AND classcategory_id2 = 0)"; $objQuery->setOrder("rank1 DESC, rank2 DESC"); $arrRet = $objQuery->select("*", "vw_cross_products_class AS crs_prd", $where, array($_POST['product_id'])); if(count($arrRet) > 0) { $sqlval['product_id'] = $arrRet[0]['product_id']; $sqlval['classcategory_id1'] = '0'; $sqlval['classcategory_id2'] = '0'; $sqlval['product_code'] = $arrRet[0]['product_code']; $sqlval['stock'] = $arrRet[0]['stock']; $sqlval['price01'] = $arrRet[0]['price01']; $sqlval['price02'] = $arrRet[0]['price02']; $sqlval['creator_id'] = $_SESSION['member_id']; $sqlval['create_date'] = "now()"; $sqlval['update_date'] = "now()"; $objQuery->begin(); $where = "product_id = ?"; $objQuery->delete("dtb_products_class", $where, array($_POST['product_id'])); $objQuery->insert("dtb_products_class", $sqlval); $objQuery->commit(); } lfProductClassPage(); // 規格登録ページ break; // 編集要求 case 'pre_edit': $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $where = "product_id = ? AND NOT(classcategory_id1 = 0 AND classcategory_id2 = 0) "; $ret = $objQuery->count("dtb_products_class", $where, array($_POST['product_id'])); if($ret > 0) { // 規格組み合わせ一覧の取得(DBの値を優先する。) $objPage->arrClassCat = lfGetClassCatListEdit($_POST['product_id']); } lfProductClassPage(); // 規格登録ページ break; // 規格組み合わせ表示 case 'disp': $objPage->arrForm['select_class_id1'] = $_POST['select_class_id1']; $objPage->arrForm['select_class_id2'] = $_POST['select_class_id2']; $objPage->arrErr = lfClassError(); if (count($objPage->arrErr) == 0) { // 規格組み合わせ一覧の取得 $objPage->arrClassCat = lfGetClassCatListDisp($_POST['select_class_id1'], $_POST['select_class_id2']); } lfProductClassPage(); // 規格登録ページ break; // 規格登録要求 case 'edit': // 入力値の変換 $objPage->arrForm = lfConvertParam($_POST); // エラーチェック $objPage->arrErr = lfProductClassError($objPage->arrForm); if(count($objPage->arrErr) == 0) { // 確認ページ設定 $objPage->tpl_mainpage = 'products/product_class_confirm.tpl'; lfProductConfirmPage(); // 確認ページ表示 } else { // 規格組み合わせ一覧の取得 $objPage->arrClassCat = lfGetClassCatListDisp($_POST['class_id1'], $_POST['class_id2'], false); lfProductClassPage(); // 規格登録ページ } break; // 確認ページからの戻り case 'confirm_return': // フォームパラメータの引き継ぎ $objPage->arrForm = $_POST; // 規格の選択情報は引き継がない。 $objPage->arrForm['select_class_id1'] = ""; $objPage->arrForm['select_class_id2'] = ""; // 規格組み合わせ一覧の取得(デフォルト値は出力しない) $objPage->arrClassCat = lfGetClassCatListDisp($_POST['class_id1'], $_POST['class_id2'], false); lfProductClassPage(); // 規格登録ページ break; case 'complete': // 完了ページ設定 $objPage->tpl_mainpage = 'products/product_class_complete.tpl'; // 商品規格の登録 lfInsertProductClass($_POST, $_POST['product_id']); break; default: lfProductClassPage(); // 規格登録ページ break; } $objView->assignobj($objPage); $objView->display(MAIN_FRAME); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* 規格登録ページ表示用 */ function lfProductClassPage() { global $objPage; $objPage->arrHidden = $_POST; $objPage->arrHidden['select_class_id1'] = ""; $objPage->arrHidden['select_class_id2'] = ""; $arrClass = sfGetIDValueList("dtb_class", 'class_id', 'name'); // 規格分類が登録されていない規格は表示しないようにする。 $arrClassCatCount = sfGetClassCatCount(); foreach($arrClass as $key => $val) { if($arrClassCatCount[$key] > 0) { $objPage->arrClass[$key] = $arrClass[$key]; } } // 商品名を取得 $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $product_name = $objQuery->getOne("SELECT name FROM dtb_products WHERE product_id = ?", array($_POST['product_id'])); $objPage->arrForm['product_name'] = $product_name; } function lfSetDefaultClassCat($objQuery, $product_id, $max) { global $objPage; // デフォルト値の読込 $col = "product_code, price01, price02, stock, stock_unlimited"; $arrRet = $objQuery->select($col, "dtb_products_class", "product_id = ? AND classcategory_id1 = 0 AND classcategory_id2 = 0", array($product_id));; if(count($arrRet) > 0) { $no = 1; for($cnt = 0; $cnt < $max; $cnt++) { $objPage->arrForm["product_code:".$no] = $arrRet[0]['product_code']; $objPage->arrForm['stock:'.$no] = $arrRet[0]['stock']; $objPage->arrForm['price01:'.$no] = $arrRet[0]['price01']; $objPage->arrForm['price02:'.$no] = $arrRet[0]['price02']; $objPage->arrForm['stock_unlimited:'.$no] = $arrRet[0]['stock_unlimited']; $no++; } } } /* 規格組み合わせ一覧の取得 */ function lfGetClassCatListDisp($class_id1, $class_id2, $default = true) { global $objPage; $objQuery = new SC_Query(); if($class_id2 != "") { // 規格1と規格2 $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql.= "FROM vw_cross_class AS crs_cls "; $sql.= "WHERE class_id1 = ? AND class_id2 = ? ORDER BY rank1 DESC, rank2 DESC;"; $arrRet = $objQuery->getall($sql, array($class_id1, $class_id2)); } else { // 規格1のみ $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql.= "FROM vw_cross_class AS crs_cls "; $sql.= "WHERE class_id1 = ? AND class_id2 = 0 ORDER BY rank1 DESC;"; $arrRet = $objQuery->getall($sql, array($class_id1)); } $max = count($arrRet); if($default) { // デフォルト値を設定 lfSetDefaultClassCat($objQuery, $_POST['product_id'], $max); } $objPage->arrForm["class_id1"] = $arrRet[0]['class_id1']; $objPage->arrForm["class_id2"] = $arrRet[0]['class_id2']; $objPage->tpl_onload.= "fnCheckAllStockLimit('$max', '" . DISABLED_RGB . "');"; return $arrRet; } /* 規格組み合わせ一覧の取得(編集画面) */ function lfGetClassCatListEdit($product_id) { global $objPage; // 既存編集の場合 $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $col = "class_id1, class_id2, name1, name2, rank1, rank2, "; $col.= "product_class_id, product_id, T1_classcategory_id AS classcategory_id1, T2_classcategory_id AS classcategory_id2, "; $col.= "product_code, stock, stock_unlimited, sale_limit, price01, price02, status"; $sql = "SELECT $col FROM "; $sql.= "( "; $sql.= "SELECT T1.class_id AS class_id1, T2.class_id AS class_id2, T1.classcategory_id AS T1_classcategory_id, T2.classcategory_id AS T2_classcategory_id, AS name1, AS name2, T1.rank AS rank1, T2.rank AS rank2 "; $sql.= "FROM dtb_classcategory AS T1, dtb_classcategory AS T2 "; $sql.= "WHERE T1.class_id IN (SELECT class_id1 FROM vw_cross_products_class AS crs_prd WHERE product_id = ? GROUP BY class_id1, class_id2) AND T2.class_id IN (SELECT class_id2 FROM vw_cross_products_class AS crs_prd WHERE product_id = ? GROUP BY class_id1, class_id2)"; $sql.= ") AS T1 "; $sql.= "LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM dtb_products_class WHERE product_id = ?) AS T3 "; $sql.= "ON T1_classcategory_id = T3.classcategory_id1 AND T2_classcategory_id = T3.classcategory_id2 "; $sql.= "ORDER BY rank1 DESC, rank2 DESC"; $arrList = $objQuery->getAll($sql, array($product_id, $product_id, $product_id)); $objPage->arrForm["class_id1"] = $arrList[0]['class_id1']; $objPage->arrForm["class_id2"] = $arrList[0]['class_id2']; $max = count($arrList); // デフォルト値を設定 lfSetDefaultClassCat($objQuery, $product_id, $max); $no = 1; for($cnt = 0; $cnt < $max; $cnt++) { $objPage->arrForm["classcategory_id1:".$no] = $arrList[$cnt]['classcategory_id1']; $objPage->arrForm["classcategory_id2:".$no] = $arrList[$cnt]['classcategory_id2']; if($arrList[$cnt]['product_id'] != "") { $objPage->arrForm["product_code:".$no] = $arrList[$cnt]['product_code']; $objPage->arrForm['stock:'.$no] = $arrList[$cnt]['stock']; $objPage->arrForm['stock_unlimited:'.$no] = $arrList[$cnt]['stock_unlimited']; $objPage->arrForm['price01:'.$no] = $arrList[$cnt]['price01']; $objPage->arrForm['price02:'.$no] = $arrList[$cnt]['price02']; // JavaScript初期化用文字列 $line.= "'check:".$no."',"; } $no++; } $line = ereg_replace(",$", "", $line); $objPage->tpl_javascript = "list = new Array($line);"; $color = DISABLED_RGB; $objPage->tpl_onload.= "fnListCheck(list); fnCheckAllStockLimit('$max', '$color');"; return $arrList; } /* 規格の登録 */ function lfInsertProductClass($arrList, $product_id) { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); // 既存規格の削除 $where = "product_id = ?"; $objQuery->delete("dtb_products_class", $where, array($product_id)); $cnt = 1; // すべての規格を登録する。 while($arrList["classcategory_id1:".$cnt] != "") { if($arrList["check:".$cnt] == 1) { $sqlval['product_id'] = $product_id; $sqlval['classcategory_id1'] = $arrList["classcategory_id1:".$cnt]; $sqlval['classcategory_id2'] = $arrList["classcategory_id2:".$cnt]; $sqlval['product_code'] = $arrList["product_code:".$cnt]; $sqlval['stock'] = $arrList["stock:".$cnt]; $sqlval['stock_unlimited'] = $arrList["stock_unlimited:".$cnt]; $sqlval['price01'] = $arrList['price01:'.$cnt]; $sqlval['price02'] = $arrList['price02:'.$cnt]; $sqlval['creator_id'] = $_SESSION['member_id']; $sqlval['create_date'] = "now()"; $sqlval['update_date'] = "now()"; // INSERTの実行 $objQuery->insert("dtb_products_class", $sqlval); } $cnt++; } $objQuery->commit(); } // 規格選択エラーチェック function lfClassError() { $objErr = new SC_CheckError(); $objErr->doFunc(array("規格1", "select_class_id1"), array("EXIST_CHECK")); $objErr->doFunc(array("規格", "select_class_id1", "select_class_id2"), array("TOP_EXIST_CHECK")); $objErr->doFunc(array("規格1", "規格2", "select_class_id1", "select_class_id2"), array("DIFFERENT_CHECK")); return $objErr->arrErr; } /* 取得文字列の変換 */ function lfConvertParam($array) { /* * 文字列の変換 * K : 「半角(ハンカク)片仮名」を「全角片仮名」に変換 * C : 「全角ひら仮名」を「全角かた仮名」に変換 * V : 濁点付きの文字を一文字に変換。"K","H"と共に使用します * n : 「全角」数字を「半角(ハンカク)」に変換 */ $no = 1; while($array["classcategory_id1:".$no] != "") { $arrConvList["product_code:".$no] = "KVa"; $arrConvList["price01:".$no] = "n"; $arrConvList["price02:".$no] = "n"; $arrConvList["stock:".$no] = "n"; $no++; } // 文字変換 foreach ($arrConvList as $key => $val) { // POSTされてきた値のみ変換する。 if(isset($array[$key])) { $array[$key] = mb_convert_kana($array[$key] ,$val); } } return $array; } // 商品規格エラーチェック function lfProductClassError($array) { $objErr = new SC_CheckError($array); $no = 1; while($array["classcategory_id1:".$no] != "") { if($array["check:".$no] == 1) { $objErr->doFunc(array("商品コード", "product_code:".$no, STEXT_LEN), array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); $objErr->doFunc(array(NORMAL_PRICE_TITLE, "price01:".$no, PRICE_LEN), array("ZERO_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); $objErr->doFunc(array(SALE_PRICE_TITLE, "price02:".$no, PRICE_LEN), array("EXIST_CHECK", "ZERO_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); if($array["stock_unlimited:".$no] != '1') { $objErr->doFunc(array("在庫数", "stock:".$no, AMOUNT_LEN), array("EXIST_CHECK", "NUM_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); } } if(count($objErr->arrErr) > 0) { $objErr->arrErr["error:".$no] = $objErr->arrErr["product_code:".$no]; $objErr->arrErr["error:".$no].= $objErr->arrErr["price01:".$no]; $objErr->arrErr["error:".$no].= $objErr->arrErr["price02:".$no]; $objErr->arrErr["error:".$no].= $objErr->arrErr["stock:".$no]; } $no++; } return $objErr->arrErr; } /* 確認ページ表示用 */ function lfProductConfirmPage() { global $objPage; $objPage->arrForm['mode'] = 'complete'; $objPage->arrClass = sfGetIDValueList("dtb_class", 'class_id', 'name'); $cnt = 0; $check = 0; $no = 1; while($_POST["classcategory_id1:".$no] != "") { if($_POST["check:".$no] != "") { $check++; } $no++; $cnt++; } $objPage->tpl_check = $check; $objPage->tpl_count = $cnt; } ?>