tpl_mainpage = 'home.tpl'; } } $conn = new SC_DBConn(); $objPage = new LC_Page(); $objView = new SC_AdminView(); $objSess = new SC_Session(); // 認証可否の判定 sfIsSuccess($objSess); // DBバージョンの取得 $objPage->db_version = sfGetDBVersion(); // PHPバージョンの取得 $objPage->php_version = "PHP " . phpversion(); // 現在の会員数 $objPage->customer_cnt = lfGetCustomerCnt($conn); // 昨日の売上高 $objPage->order_yesterday_amount = lfGetOrderYesterday($conn, "SUM"); // 昨日の売上件数 $objPage->order_yesterday_cnt = lfGetOrderYesterday($conn, "COUNT"); // 今月の売上高 $objPage->order_month_amount = lfGetOrderMonth($conn, "SUM"); // 今月の売上件数 $objPage->order_month_cnt = lfGetOrderMonth($conn, "COUNT"); // 顧客の累計ポイント $objPage->customer_point = lfGetTotalCustomerPoint(); //昨日のレビュー書き込み数 $objPage->review_yesterday_cnt = lfGetReviewYesterday($conn); //レビュー書き込み非表示数 $objPage->review_nondisp_cnt = lfGetReviewNonDisp($conn); // 品切れ商品 $objPage->arrSoldout = lfGetSoldOut(); // 新規受付一覧 $arrNewOrder = lfGetNewOrder(); foreach ($arrNewOrder as $key => $val){ $arrNewOrder[$key]['create_date'] = str_replace("-", "/", substr($val['create_date'], 0,19)); } $objPage->arrNewOrder = $arrNewOrder; // お知らせ一覧の取得 $objPage->arrInfo = lfGetInfo(); $objView->assignobj($objPage); $objView->display(MAIN_FRAME); //--------------------------------------------------------- // 会員数 function lfGetCustomerCnt($conn){ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(customer_id) FROM dtb_customer WHERE del_flg = 0 AND status = 2"; $return = $conn->getOne($sql); return $return; } // 昨日の売上高・売上件数 function lfGetOrderYesterday($conn, $method){ if ( $method == 'SUM' or $method == 'COUNT'){ // postgresql と mysql とでSQLをわける if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $sql = "SELECT ".$method."(total) FROM dtb_order WHERE del_flg = 0 AND to_char(create_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') = to_char(now() - interval '1 days','YYYY/MM/DD')"; }else if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $sql = "SELECT ".$method."(total) FROM dtb_order WHERE del_flg = 0 AND cast(substring(create_date,1, 10) as date) = DATE_ADD(current_date, interval -1 day)"; } $return = $conn->getOne($sql); } return $return; } function lfGetOrderMonth($conn, $method){ $month = date("Y/m", mktime()); if ( $method == 'SUM' or $method == 'COUNT'){ // postgresql と mysql とでSQLをわける if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $sql = "SELECT ".$method."(total) FROM dtb_order WHERE del_flg = 0 AND to_char(create_date,'YYYY/MM') = ? AND to_char(create_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') <> to_char(now(),'YYYY/MM/DD')"; }else if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $sql = "SELECT ".$method."(total) FROM dtb_order WHERE del_flg = 0 AND cast(substring(create_date,1,7) as date) = ? AND cast(substring(create_date,1, 10) as date) <> cast(substring(now(),1, 10) as date)"; } $return = $conn->getOne($sql, array($month)); } return $return; } function lfGetTotalCustomerPoint() { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $col = "SUM(point)"; $where = "del_flg = 0"; $from = "dtb_customer"; $ret = $objQuery->get($from, $col, $where); return $ret; } function lfGetReviewYesterday($conn){ // postgresql と mysql とでSQLをわける if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dtb_review WHERE del_flg=0 AND to_char(create_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') = to_char(now() - interval '1 days','YYYY/MM/DD') AND to_char(create_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') != to_char(now(),'YYYY/MM/DD')"; }else if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dtb_review WHERE del_flg = 0 AND cast(substring(create_date,1, 10) as date) = DATE_ADD(current_date, interval -1 day) AND cast(substring(create_date,1, 10) as date) != cast(substring(now(),1, 10) as date)"; } $return = $conn->getOne($sql); return $return; } function lfGetReviewNonDisp($conn){ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dtb_review WHERE del_flg=0 AND status=2"; $return = $conn->getOne($sql); return $return; } // 品切れ商品番号の取得 function lfGetSoldOut() { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $where = "product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_products_class WHERE stock_unlimited IS NULL AND stock <= 0)"; $arrRet = $objQuery->select("product_id, name", "dtb_products", $where); return $arrRet; } // 新規受付一覧 function lfGetNewOrder() { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $col = "ord.order_id, customer_id, ord.order_name01 AS name01, ord.order_name02 AS name02,, "; $col.= "(SELECT det.product_name FROM dtb_order_detail AS det WHERE ord.order_id = det.order_id LIMIT 1) AS product_name, "; $col.= "(SELECT pay.payment_method FROM dtb_payment AS pay WHERE ord.payment_id = pay.payment_id) AS payment_method, "; $col.= "create_date AS create_date"; $from = "dtb_order AS ord"; $where = "del_flg = 0"; $objQuery->setoption("ORDER BY create_date DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0"); $arrRet = $objQuery->select($col, $from, $where); return $arrRet; } // お知らせ取得 function lfGetInfo() { // 更新情報を最新にする $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $path = UPDATE_HTTP . "info.txt"; $fp = @fopen($path, "rb"); $arrRet = array(); if(!$fp) { sfErrorHeader(">> " . $path . "の取得に失敗しました。"); } else { while (!feof($fp)) { $arrRet[] = $arrCSV = fgetcsv($fp, UPDATE_CSV_LINE_MAX); } fclose($fp); } return $arrRet; } ?>