tpl_mainpage = TEMPLATE_DIR . 'mypage/history.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = 'MYページ'; $this->tpl_subtitle = '購入履歴詳細'; $this->tpl_navi = TEMPLATE_DIR . 'mypage/navi.tpl'; $this->tpl_column_num = 1; $this->tpl_mainno = 'mypage'; $this->tpl_mypageno = 'index'; $this->allowClientCache(); } /** * Page のプロセス. * * @return void */ function process() { $objView = new SC_SiteView(); $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objCustomer = new SC_Customer(); $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex(); // レイアウトデザインを取得 $objLayout = new SC_Helper_PageLayout_Ex(); $objLayout->sfGetPageLayout($this, false, "mypage/index.php"); //不正アクセス判定 $from = "dtb_order"; $where = "del_flg = 0 AND customer_id = ? AND order_id = ? "; $arrval = array($objCustomer->getValue('customer_id'), $_POST['order_id']); //DBに情報があるか判定 $cnt = $objQuery->count($from, $where, $arrval); //ログインしていない、またはDBに情報が無い場合 if (!$objCustomer->isLoginSuccess() || $cnt == 0){ SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(CUSTOMER_ERROR); } else { //受注詳細データの取得 $this->arrDisp = $this->lfGetOrderData($_POST['order_id']); // 支払い方法の取得 $this->arrPayment = $objDb->sfGetIDValueList("dtb_payment", "payment_id", "payment_method"); // 配送時間の取得 $arrRet = $objDb->sfGetDelivTime($this->arrDisp['payment_id']); $this->arrDelivTime = SC_Utils_Ex::sfArrKeyValue($arrRet, 'time_id', 'deliv_time'); //マイページトップ顧客情報表示用 $this->CustomerName1 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name01'); $this->CustomerName2 = $objCustomer->getvalue('name02'); $this->CustomerPoint = $objCustomer->getvalue('point'); } $masterData = new SC_DB_MasterData_Ex(); $this->arrPref = $masterData->getMasterData("mtb_pref", array("pref_id", "pref_name", "rank")); $objView->assignobj($this); $objView->display(SITE_FRAME); } /** * デストラクタ. * * @return void */ function destroy() { parent::destroy(); } /** * モバイルページを初期化する. * * @return void */ function mobileInit() { $this->tpl_mainpage = MOBILE_TEMPLATE_DIR . 'mypage/history.tpl'; $this->tpl_title = 'MYページ/購入履歴一覧'; $this->allowClientCache(); } /** * Page のプロセス(モバイル). * * @return void */ function mobileProcess() { define ("HISTORY_NUM", 5); $objView = new SC_MobileView(); $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objCustomer = new SC_Customer(); $pageNo = isset($_GET['pageno']) ? (int) $_GET['pageno'] : 0; // TODO // ログインチェック if(!isset($_SESSION['customer'])) { SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispSiteError(CUSTOMER_ERROR, "", false, "", true); } $col = "order_id, create_date, payment_id, payment_total"; $from = "dtb_order"; $where = "del_flg = 0 AND customer_id=?"; $arrval = array($objCustomer->getvalue('customer_id')); $order = "order_id DESC"; $linemax = $objQuery->count($from, $where, $arrval); $this->tpl_linemax = $linemax; // 取得範囲の指定(開始行番号、行数のセット) $objQuery->setlimitoffset(HISTORY_NUM, $pageNo); // 表示順序 $objQuery->setorder($order); //購入履歴の取得 $this->arrOrder = $objQuery->select($col, $from, $where, $arrval); // next if ($pageNo + HISTORY_NUM < $linemax) { $next = "次へ→"; } else { $next = ""; } // previous if ($pageNo - HISTORY_NUM > 0) { $previous = "←前へ"; } elseif ($pageNo == 0) { $previous = ""; } else { $previous = "←前へ"; } // bar if ($next != '' && $previous != '') { $bar = " | "; } else { $bar = ""; } $this->tpl_strnavi = $previous . $bar . $next; $objView->assignobj($this); //$objpage内の全てのテンプレート変数をsmartyに格納 $objView->display(SITE_FRAME); //パスとテンプレート変数の呼び出し、実行 } //受注詳細データの取得 function lfGetOrderData($order_id) { //受注番号が数字であれば if(SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsInt($order_id)) { // DBから受注情報を読み込む $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $col = "order_id, create_date, payment_id, subtotal, tax, use_point, add_point, discount, "; $col .= "deliv_fee, charge, payment_total, deliv_name01, deliv_name02, deliv_kana01, deliv_kana02, "; $col .= "deliv_zip01, deliv_zip02, deliv_pref, deliv_addr01, deliv_addr02, deliv_tel01, deliv_tel02, deliv_tel03, deliv_time_id, deliv_date "; $from = "dtb_order"; $where = "order_id = ?"; $arrRet = $objQuery->select($col, $from, $where, array($order_id)); $arrOrder = $arrRet[0]; // 受注詳細データの取得 $arrRet = $this->lfGetOrderDetail($order_id); $arrOrderDetail = SC_Utils_Ex::sfSwapArray($arrRet); $arrData = array_merge($arrOrder, $arrOrderDetail); } return $arrData; } // 受注詳細データの取得 function lfGetOrderDetail($order_id) { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $col = "product_id, product_code, product_name, classcategory_name1, classcategory_name2, price, quantity, point_rate"; $where = "order_id = ?"; $objQuery->setorder("classcategory_id1, classcategory_id2"); $arrRet = $objQuery->select($col, "dtb_order_detail", $where, array($order_id)); return $arrRet; } } ?>