setTplMainpage($bloc_file); } /** * Page のプロセス. * * @return void */ function process() { if (defined("MOBILE_SITE") && MOBILE_SITE) { $objView = new SC_MobileView(); } else { $objView = new SC_SiteView(); } $objSiteInfo = $objView->objSiteInfo; // 基本情報を渡す $objSiteInfo = new SC_SiteInfo(); $this->arrInfo = $objSiteInfo->data; //おすすめ商品表示 $this->arrBestProducts = $this->lfGetRanking(); if (!empty($this->arrBestProducts)) { $objView->assignobj($this); $objView->display($this->tpl_mainpage); } } /** * モバイルページを初期化する. * * @return void */ function mobileInit() { $this->tpl_mainpage = MOBILE_TEMPLATE_DIR . "frontparts/" . BLOC_DIR . 'best5.tpl'; } /** * Page のプロセス(モバイル). * * @return void */ function mobileProcess() { $this->process(); } /** * デストラクタ. * * @return void */ function destroy() { parent::destroy(); } //おすすめ商品検索 function lfGetRanking(){ $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $col = "DISTINCT A.*, name, price02_min, price01_min, main_list_image "; $from = "dtb_best_products AS A INNER JOIN vw_products_allclass AS allcls using(product_id)"; $where = "allcls.del_flg = 0 AND allcls.status = 1"; // 在庫無し商品の非表示 if (NOSTOCK_HIDDEN === true) { $where .= ' AND (allcls.stock_max >= 1 OR allcls.stock_unlimited_max = 1)'; } $order = "rank"; $objQuery->setorder($order); $objQuery->setlimit(RECOMMEND_NUM); $arrBestProducts = $objQuery->select($col, $from, $where); return $arrBestProducts; } } ?>